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Author Archive for roundwego

We are a couple from Chicago, USA living our life-long dream of traveling around the world. Our worldwide adventure will take us across six continents over the course of a year.


Top Tips For Securing Your Travel Luggage

One of the most recommended ways to keep your luggage safe when traveling is to keep them at your sight, close to you at all times. Nevertheless, this is not always possible, especially if we are talking about traveling by plane. Luggage theft is one of the most common problems aircraft passengers confront with, so [...]


New York’s Underground Poker Rooms

Some people go to New York for the sightseeing; they want to climb the Statue of Liberty explore the Rockefeller Center, stroll in Central Park, or visit the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Others are excited about catching the pulse the city and they walk around on a shopping spree. And of course there [...]

Madrid Review – Eric Vökel Boutique Apartments

Madrid Review – Eric Vökel Boutique Apartments

Land of bull fights, jamón, flamenco, tapas, fútbol and oh so much more, Spain needs no introduction and nowhere can you better experience the captivating mosaic of Spanish culture than Madrid. That’s exactly where I started my visit to Spain, a return 10 years in the making. Having called the vibrant city home a decade [...]

Big Sur, California | Photos

Big Sur, California | Photos

Namibian Sunset

Namibian Sunset



Scene from Elephant Nature Park in northern Thailand

A Portrait of Burma

A Portrait of Burma

Cautiously hopeful a new day is dawning in Burma, here are portraits of a land that time forgot

Our Travel ABC’s

Our Travel ABC’s

An A to Z guide to some of our favorite travel memories and places

Habana Libre!

Habana Libre!

Freely exploring Communist Cuba

Autumn Run | Chicago

Autumn Run | Chicago

Leave the city of your comfort

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