Three Years of Hell to Become the Devil: Outgeeking Bainbridge

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Outgeeking Bainbridge

Now, I'd never take on Professor Bainbridge when it comes to wine: I haven't the taste buds. And on corporate law? More fool me to challenge the guy who authors textbooks. But outgeeking? There we're on more equal ground. And I'm afraid that his accusation that George Lucas has sold the soul of Star Wars to the Democrats just rings hollow.

Basically, the good Professor is upset because:

...Lucas betrayed the basic story arc of the Star Wars mythology in order to score these cheap political points. In the original trilogy, Luke struggled against the absolutism of Obi-Wan and Yoda. It was Luke who insisted that there was still good in Vader, which Yoda and Obi-Wan rejected.

The betrayal in question is in having Obi-Wan say to Anakin, after the latter has muttered some you're-for-me-or-against-me line, "Only a Sith thinks in absolutes."

Now, I've not seen the movie yet, and to the best of my knowledge, neither has Prof. Bainbridge, but to my mind his internal critique doesn't hold up. Bainbridge spends a great deal of time talking about how an older (presumably wiser) Obi-Wan was still doctrinaire and absolutist in his consideration of the Force. But if we consider this Obi-Wan to be less mature than Alec Guinness (and who wouldn't), then the plot still hangs together. Obi-wan may just be full of it. And there's no "betrayal" for "cheap political points" so long as the elder Jedi isn't doing anything more than the lightsaber equivalent of Godwin's Law: you know the conversation's over (and someone's limbs are about to go) when somebody mentions the Sith.

So why are so many assuming that Old Kenobi needs to be taken seriously? It seems that the New York Times found political meaning in the film:

"This is how liberty dies - to thunderous applause," Padm observes as senators, their fears and dreams of glory deftly manipulated by Palpatine, vote to give him sweeping new powers. "Revenge of the Sith" is about how a republic dismantles its own democratic principles, about how politics becomes militarized, about how a Manichaean ideology undermines the rational exercise of power. Mr. Lucas is clearly jabbing his light saber in the direction of some real-world political leaders. At one point, Darth Vader, already deep in the thrall of the dark side and echoing the words of George W. Bush, hisses at Obi-Wan, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy." Obi-Wan's response is likely to surface as a bumper sticker during the next election campaign: "Only a Sith thinks in absolutes." You may applaud this editorializing, or you may find it overwrought, but give Mr. Lucas his due. For decades he has been blamed (unjustly) for helping to lead American movies away from their early-70's engagement with political matters, and he deserves credit for trying to bring them back.

Dear goodness, we can only hope. I mean, if Democrats can't do better than Lucas's tin-ear for dialogue for their political bumper stickers, then I suspect the Republicans will get the geek vote. But now the New York Times has done the impossible: it's made me curious about the final Star Wars film.

Let's face it: Lucas is about as subtle as a chainsaw running through a screen door, at least when it comes to dialogue. I'd expect that even if Chewbacca were mouthing Bush-lite rhetoric, you wouldn't need to be Han Solo to figure out the reference. On the other hand, the New York Times could probably scan Beowulf and find hidden anti-Bush meanings.

So who is it? Is George L. taking on George B.? Or is this all a figment of the Times' fevered fantasies? Sadly, I'll have to see the film to find out, because when it comes to a conflict between the Lucas lack of subtext and the Greying Lady's determination to find same, we reach a level of difficulty almost equal to that of the Great Sci Fi Paradox: What happens when a bunch of clueless red-shirts, guaranteed to survive less than three minutes after a beamdown, meets a platoon of Imperial Stormtroopers, who can't hit a barn from inside it?


This article on a Cannes press conference might save you the trouble of going to the movie.
A wise man once pointed out that "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", and I think someone needs to remind Prof. Bainbridge that sometimes a trashy sci-fi B flick is just a trashy sci-fi B flick.....
The "wise man" was Freud, on the sometimes-noninterpretation-of-dreams. Less well known is his debt to Kipling. The original line went something like "Wine is only wine, but a cigar is a smoke."
I've noticed that people who are absolutist often think that they are nuanced. (Often because they know other people on their own side who are even more extreme, or have unexpressed feelings which are much nastier.)
TTP: I know it was Freud; I was under the impression that the quote was familiar enough that nobody (at least nobody well educated enough to be follwoing a first person narrative of American legal education) needed to be told who said it. :-)
Oh, perhaps I've underestimated folks. I was under the impression that a lot of people didn't know the source. Eh. Also I was trolling for the exact phrasing of the Kipling quote.
"Now, I've not seen the movie yet, and to the best of my knowledge, neither has Prof. Bainbridge..." And thus continues the conservative tradition of critiquing movies without having seen them. :)
If you notice, Dave, the above isn't a critique of a movie, but a series of questions about it. And having now seen the movie, if you want to carry water for Lucas's dialogue, I hope your back's pretty strong.

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Burmese Days

Click on the video below for a typical scene in the daily life of the Burmese people.

While world media attention has focused a considerable amount of attention on the conflicts of Burma’s Southeast Asian neighbors Thailand and Vietnam, what goes on in Burma certainly falls off the international radar screen. The situation, I’ve learned, deserves our attention.

The Burmese Plight

Since 1962 Burma has been ruled by a ruthless military regime. Under the socialist ruling party, the government controls every aspect of Burmese life. While generals and military family members lead privileged and often luxurious lifestyles, the Burmese people live with little hope and in constant fear.

The human rights violations under Burma’s military regime are appalling. Forced labor, human trafficking and child labor are common. Sexual violence, including rapes and sex slavery, is widespread. The media is controlled by the government and internet censored for the small minority of people with access to a computer. The government keeps a watchful eye on everyone with an army of secret informers. Speaking out against the regime is a death sentence.

Such intense control is enforced that the Burmese can’t have any non-family members stay overnight unless registered and approved by the government. Moreover, permits are required to purchase basic amenities like mobile phones, driver’s licenses and television satellites. The permits are so costly that these basic items are out of reach for most Burmese people.

Life for the Burmese is simple and hope for getting ahead or bettering one’s situation fruitless. A guy renting a bike for a dollar a day waited outside our hotel each day for the small chance we’d take him up on his offer. Our rickshaw drivers would wait two or even three hours outside a café or restaurant for us to finish our meal so they could make the extra dollar to bring us home. They are anxious to work, desperate to make a living but limited options leave them paralyzed.

In the 1980’s, a ray of hope for Burma’s future came from a poised, dignified woman by the name of Aung San Suu Kyi. She became the leader of the Burmese democracy movement. Fearing an uprising, the military regime locked Aung San away. She’s spent the past twenty years under house arrest, isolated from her people, her children and the rest of the world.

On our visit we witnessed first-hand the state of fear in which people live. The anxiety and paranoia are palpable. When politics came up in conversation, they were hesitant to even make reference to Aung San Suu Kyi. Instead they referred to her as ‘the lady,’ with eyes racing around to see if anyone was listening. The future looks stark.

To Go or Not To Go

To travel to Burma or not, that is the question. Many critics argue visiting the country as a tourist condones the military regime and feeds the military’s pockets. Consequently, Burma receives a small amount of tourists each year.

Wrestling with the issue ourselves, we found there are ways to travel to Burma without “feeding the tiger.” While you can’t avoid paying the $US20 visa fee to enter the country, you can ensure money goes directly to local people by spending it at local markets, taking local buses and eating and staying in locally-run restaurants and guesthouses. The responsibility is up to you to spend money wisely, but if you’re adamant about it going to the right hands, it will.

For us, visiting Burma as a tourist brought the plight of the Burmese people into our consciousness. By helping to put the issues of Burma on the international radar screen tourists may hold the key to opening up this beautiful country.

pixel Burmese Days

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